Follow the winding mountain roads; we arrive at the heart of Taiwan, Nantou. Among the magnificent mountains and lake views, it is also the home to the world-class single malt whisky OMAR.
To discover this award-winning new make whisky, we visit Nantou Distillery to experience the Taiwan Love with an Amber Heart. There are 41 mountains with picks over 3,000 meters high, and the rain that falls on the mountains converges into rivers, ponds, and lakes, among which the famous Sun-Moon lake lies. The environment provides an excellent foundation for the distillery to operate.
OMAR Whisky is aimed to become Taiwan's very own new make whisky. The whisky production methods that Nantou Distillery employees are initially from traditional scotch whisky technique and combine with local flavors and creativity. The climate of Taiwan is warm and humid. Therefore, the speed of maturation in Taiwan is higher than in Scotland, and that is also why OMAR Whisky tends to offer more intensity in taste.
Malt, Water, and Cask are three key elements to make good whisky. Taking the know-how from Scotland, the team has developed the unique famed fruit notes of Taiwan's terroir. The whiskies are finished in the liqueur barrel to gain the local fruit extract. There are orange, plum, lychee, and black queen wine flavors for whisky lovers to indulge.
During the Nantou Distillery tour, you could dig out more tradition and story of Nantou distillery's historical acknowledge and culture. You could also enjoy the unique "Cask Strength Tasting," where you could savor the maturing whiskey straight from the cask.
Whisky has become part of Taiwanese culture. The craftsmanship behind OMAR is deeply cultivated on the beautiful land, and it extracts the pure spirits of Taiwan. We are glad to share the unique and distinctive sensory experience from OMAR whiskey during our adventure and exploration in Nantou. Every drop truly represents the vitality, diversity of the climate and environment of our beloved island.
*Drink Responsibly, Do NOT Drink & Drive.
Learn more about OMAR Whisky

沿著蜿蜒的山路,我們來到「台灣之心」南投。在這裡壯麗的山脈與湖景之間,釀造出了世界級的單一麥芽威士忌 OMAR。 我們特地造訪南投的威士忌蒸餾工場,在品牌講師帶領下,體會OMAR「琥珀心,台灣情」的精神。
OMAR可以說是一個代表台灣的威士忌,團隊於八零年代前往蘇格蘭取經,沿用蘇格蘭威士忌的傳統釀造工藝,在台灣開始研發釀造威士忌,透過不斷探索與實驗,找尋屬於台灣本土的新思路。由於台灣氣候潮濕炎熱,威士忌的熟成度較快,也因此口味也較重。「麥芽」、「水」、 「橡木桶」是釀造威士忌的三大元素,透過養桶與過桶的過程,南投酒廠融入台灣土地特有的熱帶水果香氣,釀出獨有的風味桶。
威士忌儼然成為台灣文化的一部分,而威士忌的釀造工藝,就在台灣美麗的土地上深耕。我們很慶幸能在這次南投之旅,發現並仔細品味OMAR 威士忌每一口圓潤飽滿的酒體,也讓我們在自家的土地,享受並分享獨特在地的感官體驗。
*禁止酒駕 酒後不開車 安全有保障
更多關於 OMAR Whisky
