Earlier this June, we touched down in Greece and returned to the tiny art island of Hydra. Words can't describe how charming and fascinating this island has to offer. The car-free, donkey-only little island has been the hub for creative minds and free spirits for decades. Now it has more of a modern bohemian vibe with a lively port and seaside taverns and bars. Most importantly, everyone is incredibly friendly and joyful on the island of art.
稍早六月中下旬,我們一群人抵達希臘,回到這個迷人的小島Hydra。幾十年以來,這座只有驢子,無車的小島一直是創作家和藝術家的集中地。 現在的Hydra,擁有更現代的波西米亞風情,有著熱鬧的小港口和海濱酒館和餐廳。 在這藝術氣息濃厚的小島上,每個人臉上都充斥著笑容與歡樂。
The main reason for our visit was the celebration of the summer solstice and Jeff Koon's New Apollo Project in Hydra at Slaughter House by the DESTE Foundation for Contemporary Art. Following its postponement over the past couple of years, Koons’ much-anticipated project is finally revealed in Hydra. He transformed the Slaughter House into a Greek temple, with mosaic floors and painted with classical frescoes.
The enormous golden sun on the roof, the rays of which turn in the wind like a pinwheel. Outside the "Temple" was the burning incense, goats were caged between stone stalls and a young man was dressed in an ancient Grecian-style dress. A wooden table at the entrance displayed with a urinal, a bicycle wheel, and a plate of fresh koulouri read as an altar either for Apollo or Marcel Duchamp. In a mixture of cultural symbols of different times and places, such as Nike sneakers on the wall and Taylor Swift's song playing in the background, the centerpiece was a colorful statue of Apollo himself, the Greek god of knowledge, the arts, and the sun. It reminded us that Greek statues were originally done in vibrant colors and Koons take on the new classical art forms.
在夏至的前一個晚上慶祝 Jeff koons 在 Slaughter House 的新展覽<阿波羅>。 在疫情延遲兩年後,這個備受期待的全新作品系列終於在 Hydra 揭曉。 他將歷史悠久的屠宰場改造成一座希臘寺廟,舖上馬賽克地板,繪有古典壁畫。 屋頂上巨大的金色太陽,光芒在風中轉動,就像風車一樣。 寺廟外點著焚香,山羊被關在石棚之間等候著,一個年輕人穿著古希臘傳統服飾,入口處的木桌展示了一個小便池、一個自行車車輪和一盤新鮮的 koulouri,猶如古代阿波羅與現代Marcel Duchamp 交會的祭壇。 空間裡充斥著不同時代的文化符號,例如牆上的Nike運動鞋和Taylor Swift的流行歌曲,寺廟中心的阿波羅,色彩鮮豔,為希臘知識、藝術和太陽之神。 新的阿波羅除了提醒我們,古希臘雕像最初是用鮮豔的顏料點綴完成的,而此作品也展現了Koons對新的古典藝術的著迷與野心。
The night on this special island was simply a celebration of art and friendship, it attracted some of the best artists and curators of our time such as Maurizio Cattelan, Kaws, and many more. Thank you, Dakis and his foundation for sharing the incredible journey of promoting contemporary art in Greece and throughout the world with all of us over the years. And this particular event and rays of the sun would forever inspire us and stay in our hearts.
這個特殊的盛會也代表著藝術和友誼的慶祝,畢竟 DESTE Foundation for Contemporary Art 創辦人Dakis 為Jeff Koons 最早也是最支持的藏家之一。當晚也吸引了當代最優秀的藝術家和策展人,例如Maurizio Cattelan、Kaws 等人一同前往出席。 感謝Dakis 與他的基金會多年來對於當代藝術的支持與貢獻,與我們分享這令人敬佩的旅程,這難忘的Hydra 之夜將永遠留在我們心中。
