Humble and grateful for this special moment: My Inspire Project is featured in Vogue.com Taiwan in April 2021. The founder Andrew Chen is named the "Luxury Experience Curator" behind the celebrities and KOLs around the world. From the stunning imagery and video to the actual tour and experience, the article details the unique style of the founder, Andrew, and his vision and collaboration towards the global platform and works. My Inspire Project always puts authenticity, exclusivity and quality first, and the team want to recreate the experience for everyone who has watched and followed the journeys along the way.

Thank you Vogue Taiwan and everyone who makes this happen. We are truly grateful for this.
Read the full article Here.
(The article is written in Mandarin Chinese, please use Google Translate for best suitable language for your preference.)

My Inspire Project 在2021四月登上Vogue Taiwan了! 創辦人Andrew Chen被稱為為全球名人和KOL背後的頂級旅遊策展人”。從令人驚嘆的圖文與影片到能親身餐與的行程和體驗,本文詳細介紹了創始人Andrew獨特的中性風格,以及他對平台與作品的願景和跨界合作。 <我的靈感計劃>始終將真實性,獨家性和精緻度放在第一順位,希望為觀看和追蹤我們平台的每一個人創造新的體驗與價值。
感謝大家一直以來的支持,讓我們在台灣家鄉發現這麼多的原生美! 謝謝Vogue Taiwan, 我們的戰友們以及每一位讓我們夢想成真的貴人。
