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Future Nostalgia NYE Glamping Event | 跨時空旅人 勤美學聯名跨年露營

Updated: Apr 1

We may not know each other in the past, but we can unite for the future.

We always try to picture how we will be in the next phase of life and relate it with our past. 2020 was the year of letting go, but once you could go back to where you started, you could create a new path again. This New Year's Eve, through the concept of future nostalgia, we made our first ever Glamping experience in collaboration with CMP Village in Taiwan, taking our guests through a unique time journey to the new year.

We first welcomed our guests with the nostalgic era, filled with countryside glamor, old-school decor, and drinks and snacks inspired by childhood memories. Taking inspiration from good old times, we want our guests to relive the best of old-time charm before sending off the year. A fabulous glamping experience couldn't be complete without some great travel essentials. We had prepared a special welcome package for the guests, including a designer tote, travel kits, travel accessories, food & beverages from local, organic to wellness, and lifestyle brands. So everyone could enjoy nature and outdoor living like how they feel with ease at home.

When the evening arrived, we gathered in the forest, followed the torches through the "Time Tunnel," and felt the heat and liveness from the stunning fire dance. It was unique, brave, and meaningful to break the darkness through such a performance. As the fire lighted up the sky, we entered our dinner gala in the deep forest. Joined with the master Taiwanese Chef Afa and his team, we also partnered with the iconic BAR TCRC team to put together a one-of-a-kind menu filled with authentic Taiwanese flavors with unique cocktail pairing. Every dish and drink took us closer to our Taiwanese roots and celebrated our culture.

Right after dinner, we brought everyone on another journey through the light-years to the future. We put on the moon boots and hopped on the spaceship before the countdown. The disco vibe fills up space with the nostalgic rhythms coming from our DJ, along with the futuristic cocktails. Finally, we send off 2020 under the fireworks and set foot in the new year with a brand new mindset. The best of all, we have each other during this special moment!

On the first morning of 2021, everything touched down to the ground again. We woke up in a cozy and delicious brunch setting and carried on with the beautiful memories we all share. A bright new year is here for us already.



我們常常想像在未來的自己,如何回頭看待與懷念現在的世界。如何把懷舊與未來的前瞻性做連結,相信許多人在我們與勤美學聯名的跨時空旅人跨年露營活動中,找到答案。 我們彼此間共同的語言,就是這塊土地與歷史,如果我們能夠放下回到原點,那麼我們可以前往任何地方。2020對許多人來說是充滿挑戰的一年,讓我們一起透過一個全新的體驗,做場天馬行空的夢,回到我們心中最真實自在的樂園,迎接2021的到來。

首先,我們以復古野趣的主題歡迎所有的朋友與賓客,用古早味的記憶與童趣的細節來點綴。從射弓箭,批柴,傳統點心,豆花特調,到彈珠汽水調酒,我們在2020 的最後一天,重溫過去的美好時光,與順便暖暖每一個人的內心。

豪華露營除了舒適的帳篷,生活細節一樣也不能馬虎! 我們與台灣本土和國際品牌一起為參加的朋友們準備了一些特別與實用的小禮物,從牛年生肖帆布袋,有機保養旅行組,旅行充電器材與配件,露營戶外用品到食物與氣泡氫水,希望大家能在戶外擁抱大自然的同時,也能同時照顧自己,有像在家一樣的便利性與感覺。

當夜晚來臨時,我們跟隨著火者一同進入時光隧道 中,火者隨後用優雅且氣勢磅礡的火舞,照亮四周的森林。我們都經歷過黑暗的惶恐以及不安,但是當我們被黑暗包圍時,我們更加需要光明! 在這一個時空交錯的空間裡,我們找到了希望的痕跡。

接著,我們在森林中準備享受國宴級的晚餐。 這次我們特地邀請到國寶級的阿發師團隊與台南首屈一指的Bar TCRC 團隊來做一場不僅是跨時空,更把台灣頭到台灣尾的特色都融入這次的台菜晚宴當中,用八道穿越古今的菜色搭配獨一無二的調酒,用中西合璧的方式,把最特別的台灣味呈現給大家。每一口,都是一個特別的記憶!

在晚宴後,我們穿上月球漫步靴,和大家一起穿梭在光年之間,從古早味進入未來,每個人都變成了時空旅人,準備好新世代的到來! 我們在倒數前的最後時刻進入了太空星艦,用後現代的場景搭配來自感傷唱片行的音樂節奏與Bar TCRC的分子調酒,用最嗨的氣氛與舞步與大家一起狂歡! 最後,我們在煙火炫麗的光輝中送走2020,留下的,只有對新年的期許以及彼此間的身影。這一刻,有你們真好!


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