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Writer's pictureAndrew C.

One Address Two Natures: Luxury Interior Design by IQ Design

Updated: Apr 11

My Inspire Project is branching out into new territories. Architecture and interior design have been one of the subjects that interest us the most in luxury living. This time, we are heading to Taichung, the 2nd largest city in Taiwan, with a booming scene for architecture and luxury real estate. At one of the most prestigious addresses in town, I meet up with two great friends, John and Michelle from IQ Design, an award-winning interior design firm in Taiwan, to discuss their philosophy and passion for creating new space and luxury interior design.

Designing a beautiful home isn't difficult, but the most challenging part is how to make it the perfect one that caters to all the homeowners' needs. When I speak with John, the company's creative director, his design logics come from the lighting, setting, view, and the people of the space. After getting to know the client or homeowner, he starts to visualize the space that would reflect that person's character and persona. Every home and design should be unique and one of a kind.

John and Michelle give us a tour of the two units they just completed in the same luxury building during our visit. Even at the same address, every concept and detail is entirely different. You can easily sense the individuality of the homeowners.

Interior design starts with lots of ideas and thoughts, sometimes do not even make sense. The project's concept would come together like a puzzle through the mathematics and systemization process, combining with the top technology, materials, and organization work.

When it comes to designing for their elite clientele, Michelle mentioned that attention to detail is the key. These clients are incredibly successful and sometimes could be demanding. Therefore, it is vital to pay extra attention to the tiniest details to exceed the client's expectations. She also explains that dream homes for these elite individuals do not mean a space filled with expensive furniture. Instead, it should provide each of them a suitable amount of private space where all the senses could be satisfied and relaxed. Then through a thoughtful and carefully designed flow, all the individuals could be connected within the space.

Making a space that brings the family and people together is their ultimate goal. Along with their team, John and Michelle apply their know-how and excellent taste level to create space and dream homes that bring comfort and joy to the art of living. After our interview and the tour of these two stunning units, I could not help but wonder how my dream home would look like...

My Inspire Project 這次帶領大家體驗新的精緻生活領域。建築與空間設計一直是我們非常感興趣的主題之一。這次,我們造訪台灣第二大城市,台中,同時也是建築和頂級豪邸蓬勃發展的市場之一。我接受兩位好友,同時也是獲獎無數的IQ Design的設計總監廖韋強與執行長陳渼蓁的邀請,參觀他們在台中七期頂級建案中的兩件作品,同時也請他們與大家分享對於空間設計與規劃的理念和熱情。



如何成功為高端客戶規劃空間,IQ Design 執行長陳渼蓁特別強調『細節』是成功的關鍵。陳執行長提到:『這些成功人士之所以成功,在於他們對於細節非常要求。』也因此,她與團隊們特別著重任何微小的細節,用更深入的計劃與執行,才能滿足並超越客戶的期望。她也指出,頂級客戶的夢想家園並不意味著擺滿最昂貴的家具擺飾;相反地,一個良好的空間規劃應該為這些居住者有適當的「留白」,為每個居住者提供完整的私領域,讓在空間裡的感受和使用過程都能得到滿足和放鬆。然後,透過適當的「視覺管理」、「聽覺管理」、「環繞式動線管理」以及「自動化控制系統」與空間動線規劃與引導,讓每個成員能連結情感、並凝聚家庭的力量。


Special Thanks:

唐林設計 IQ Design


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