Home is the center of people and emotions, especially during this period. This time, My Inspire Project brings you back to Taiwan's fast-growing metropolitan, Taichung, to discover the new height of the architecture and lifestyle among the towering and cosmopolitan skyline.
The newly completed La Bella Vita is designed by the world-renowned Italian architectural firm Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel and Partners (ACPV). Starting with the best know-how in designing global thought luxury hotels, the team has integrated the best of Italian design and aesthetics into the urban landscape of Taichung, from architectural, design, cultural, living, and community perspectives.
A successful architecture and interior design come from uncompromising beauty and taste level, making people want to interact and spend time with it. The first part of our story at La Bella Vita starts with the honeycomb elements in nature. The layered honeycomb glass curtain wall outlines a brand-new urban landmark in the city with a people-oriented approach.
Lead by the beautiful sculpture from American abstract artist Richard Erdman, we walk through the lush garden sidewalk before entering the building. The first thing that welcomes you is the intricate golden cage at the entrance hall. The grand living and library room is filled with natural light and artwork. It delivers the wow effect, but it doesn't make people feel distanced. Every corner and detail creates a song of life in the space and it not only attracts people's attention, but it is also suitable for everyday living and interactions.
Antonio Citterio once said: "A successful architectural design creates life through space." He utilizes the light to connect the indoor and outdoor spaces. Each space is designed with profound and thoughtful details that provide the home with a subtle yet luxurious touch. From the Citterio-designed gym, spa & swimming pool, home theater, to the five-star Arclinea kitchen, dining room, Japanese tea room, La Bella Villa stands for the most exquisite lifestyle and aesthetics with the unique taste-making design.
Making home the best private club is the goal of the project. Being able to make your home an ultimate staycation is a luxury that speaks to everyone. At the end of our discovery, we receive a key inside the envelope, ready to own a part of this incredible tale of life inside La Bella Vita.

家是人的歸宿,也是情感的中心,在這段時期更是如此。My Inspire Project 這次帶領大家的視野重回台灣最傲人的城市之光: 台中七期,於高聳新穎的國際都會天際線之間,找尋新的建築與生活高度。
全新落成的 丽格 La Bella Vita,由義大利國寶級建築團隊 Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel and Partners (ACPV) 以最擅長的全球時尚精品飯店美學出發,從建築外觀設計、平面空間設計規劃、公共空間設計規劃、到門廳設計規劃,全程傾心設計規劃,將百分百義式精品生活美學,與台中的城市密度融合在一起。
我們的開箱首部曲,由大自然中雋永的蜂巢元素開始,層層交疊的蜂巢格琥珀色玻璃帷幕,勾勒出嶄新的都會地標格局,以及代表的人文氣息。在美國現代主義雕塑家Richard Erdman的唯美作品的帶領下,我們在晨間的天光雲影下,穿過以四季草木栽植而成的綠園道,進入丽格的城市莊園。
一個成功的建築與室內設計 包含了毫不妥協的美感與品味,讓住戶更想花時間享受。 進入台中 丽格,映入眼簾的即是讓人目不轉睛的金色玄關,以及充滿天然採光與藝術品的圖書館與大廳。挑高的空間雖感覺壯觀,但卻不像博物館那樣有距離感,每一個角落與擺設的細節,交織而成在這裡的生活詩篇。 在猶如置身設計之都米蘭的設計空間裡,你可以享受一整天的窗景,或是與鄰居交流,一起放鬆。 這個空間不但吸引了人們的注意力,更適合人們的生活與互動。
Antonio Citterio 說過: "成功的建築設計能透過空間創造生活。” 從建築主體的蜂巢型玻璃帷幕形玻璃帷幕望出去,細膩的光影連結了室內和室外的空間,就像身處在城市中的私人風景。從設計到動線規劃,每一個環節都出自Antonio 與團隊之手,低調並充滿品味,讓住戶感受到家的意象與氛圍。
最棒的私人俱樂部無疑就在自己家中。能夠讓自己的家成為極致的度假勝地,著實再滿足不過! 從ACPV團隊為丽格獨家設計打造的健身房、 Spa中心與泳池、家庭影院,到Arclinea 五星級廚房、宴會廳、日式茶室等,丽格透過獨一獨到的品味,將最精緻的生活美學帶回家,成就最高境界的宅度假。探索到最後,我們拆封信封內的鑰匙,入主生動的空間與人之對話,以及一場令人驚豔的生活饗宴。
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